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  • Our commitment to protecting
    the climate and the environment

    We take responsibility.



Through the introduction of the environmental management system ISO 14001:2015 we have determined new responsibilities and procedures and have defined and accomplished our goals concerning the protection of the environment.

Already in 2011, through the construction of our new company building which corresponds to “Klimahaus Klasse A” standards (nearly zero energy building), we have been successful in saving energy. For example, we have been able to reduce the energy consumption through a heat recovery system.

In collaboration with the producer Zumtobel AG we have been one of the first companies in our area to install a LED-based illumination system, a further measure to save energy. Because of the progressing digitalisation and the acquisition of centralised printing stations we have reduced the use of resources. Our purchase and logistics centre constantly tries to process collective orders and collective deliveries thus reducing the emission of CO2. Moreover, we have installed automatic washing machines which reuse water and help us save this resource. Through many small measures we have been able to fulfil the concept of sufficiency in the best way possible.


How can we help you?

Do you have questions regarding a specific product? Please fill in our contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Tel. +39 0473 49 72 40